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Pregnancy, Birth,& Rebirth
After Loss 

No matter what you've gone through, 

your Healing and Rebirth are possible.

You've been hurt by loss, beloved?
You're in the 
right place.

Loss changes you. It's the pain your body still remembers. â€‹



Whether it's related to a pregnancy or fertility,

it's the wish you still have for the past to be different. 


I'll let you in on a secret...

Loss can also become the pathway to healing your physical body,

your emotions, your thoughts, and your spirit. 



My name is Natalee Facey and I'm a Resilience Coach, Emotional Healing Guide, Birth Doula, and Angel Mama.



I guide women/femmes like you who've experienced 

womb-related loss through the Inner Healing

that supports fertility, pregnancy, childbirth,

and your personal Rebirth!



I walk with you through the pain, laugh with you in the joy, strategize with you in the challenges, and celebrate with you in your success.



Loss isn't the end. It's the start of your Rebirth.   



With Love, 




Client Experience:
Support through IVF, Pregnancy After Loss & Inner Healing

Client Experience

Client Experience

Client Experience
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Katie's experience in the Birth Warrior Coaching Program

Katie's experience in the Birth Warrior Coaching Program

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Ep 42: My Healing Went at My Own Pace

Ep 42: My Healing Went at My Own Pace

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Ep 42: At-Home Tools & Inspiration That Support Your Pregnancy Journey

Ep 42: At-Home Tools & Inspiration That Support Your Pregnancy Journey

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The Gift of  Inner Healing

Creating space to tend to your inner healing is a restorative and regenerative process...

As you Learn Tools for your healing...


As you Learn Tools to support your healing journey, you'll be able to apply those tools in other areas of your life.


They then become the tools that you pass on to those you teach, parent, love, and share space with.  


As you receive 


As you receive Nourishment--the dedicated space and time for your care--you then have enough inner resources to offer presence and nourishment to your beloved, your family, your friends, and your calling.


Not much can be shared from an empty cup or from a space of feeling broken.   


As you reconnect with your Sense of Wholeness...

As you reconnect with your Sense of Wholeness, you confidently embody that energy whether at work, in your doctors' office, in daily conversations with family, friends, and other spaces.


When the shift occurs within, how you show up shifts.




And just as important, you receive the gift or the presence, the witnessing, and the support that you are so worthy of. 

What Support Do You Need?

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Practices for a Joyful Pregnancy

  • A 5-week group journey to nurture more peace, joy and ease in your pregnancy.

  • Access to recorded meditations, visualizations, and other practices for pregnancy, childbirth, and bringing healing to your relationships.

  • Reduce your risk of  stress/anxiety-related pregnancy complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and pre-eclampsia.


Daily Love - Self-Paced Audio Series

  • Practices to support you in releasing stress, tension, and tightness from the body.


  • Practices that guide you into processing and releasing heavy emotions.

  • Insights and new frameworks to bring healing to stories that aren't in alignment with the truth of your innate wholeness.

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Emotional Release Sessions

  • A private container to process difficult emotions such as fear, anxiety, grief, etc. 

  • Learn practices to release stress, build emotional resilience, and maintain balance in your daily life.

  • Sessions support healing after loss and finding emotional balance during pre-conception, pregnancy, parenting, and in your relationships.

Image by Autumn Goodman
"I became aware that my body felt really heavy at the beginning of the session. My breath felt heavy and my chest was tight. 
After the session, I felt like I had more room to breathe. I was lighter and my mood was uplifted. " 
- K.P., Emotional Release, NYC



Optimize Your Healing with the
Preparing for Pregnancy After Loss Podcast

Ep 11: Restoring Trust in the Body (Pt 1)Natalee Facey
00:00 / 32:26
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© 2024 by Natalee Facey

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