I think of "Daily Love" as daily nourishment for your being. It holds reflections, insights, meditations, embodiment practices, and other invitations that can support you in...
Releasing what you no longer need
Integrating what can become the medicine
And in so doing, building your mental and emotional capacity to keep showing up to this Divine appointment we call life!
The Content Includes...
​​Practices to support you in releasing stress and tension from the body, experiencing better sleep, and having more overall ease.
Invitations into experiencing more joy, self-compassion, and self-love.
Practices that guide you into processing and releasing heavy emotions.
Insights and new frameworks to bring healing to stories that aren't in alignment with the truth of your innate wholeness.
Access to "Daily Love" is offered joyfully without required payment.
If however, you'd like to support the ongoing birthing of this work through financial contributions, you're welcome to do so via this link: paypal.com/paypalme/nataleefacey
Much love to you!
Natalee Facey